Life does test us sometimes, and it can feel so overwhelming when it does. I've been there, I get it.
The stress caused by big conflicts or other issues in your life can have a hugely detrimental impact on your mental health, your view of yourself, your relationships and your physical health (to name but a few). Whilst there is often little we can do to influence what's happening outside of us, we all have the power to influence what's happening inside of us.
When faced with a stressful situation, we tend to focus all of our mental energy on the situation itself. You may find yourself stressing about the situation, trying to figure out why it's happening, worrying about the impact it's having on you, your business or the people around you, or questioning yourself and trying to find solutions.
Like I said, I get it. I've been there. But guess where four years of fretting, worrying, stressing, hurting and trying got me?
You guessed it! It got me nowhere.
Can you imagine what happened when I changed my perspective? EVERYTHING changed... And my life transformed for the better. I transformed for the better, come to think of it.
If you've got this far, my guess is that you're struggling with a situation. Maybe it's workplace bullying, heartbreak, business failure... Whatever it is, I'd like to share some strategies with you that worked for me.
It's important to remember that Rome was not built in a day. You can't implement a strategy once and expect results. You've got to show up for yourself like you would your best friend. Celebrate your successes, no matter how small, and give yourself grace.
Right, let's get into it.
First, I refocused my energy. This is vital to getting through these situations. Removing your focus from the problem and allowing your mind some respite is not only good for you, it's an essential component for change.
Meditation, affirmations, journalling, exercise (yoga, especially), walking outdoors, listening to podcasts or TED talks... They are all proven to work.
Personally, I found meditation to be one of the most impactful and fastest ways to calm my mind. Within a week, I was feeling calmer and more grounded. And it's not just me. I've seen the difference this makes in people. You can find thousands of guided meditations on YouTube - all free - and to suit every taste. I find that for beginners, guided meditations work best, as they give you something to focus on. One of my personal favourites for guided meditations are The Honest Guys.
Whatever you do, it's important to find your 'thing' that allows your brain to take a break from focusing on the issue and do it. Every day. Build a habit that fits into your life and make space for it in your daily routine. No excuses. Your future you will thank you.
Next, you need to make sure your fourcorners of life are attended to. A weed in one side of the garden spreads...
Finally, take a look back over any of the issues you've had in your life. If you had a magic eraser that could remove one from your life, would you use it? It would erase the event and every single ripple effect it had on your life thereafter. Every outcome, every issue and every benefit. Would you erase any? What good could come from this situation? You may be surprised.
If you like what you've read, but feel you need more specific help to untangle the situation you're in, feel free to book a free consultation with me below and let's work through this together.
Remember, you've got this 💜